Risks from Smoking CBD

The CBD plant contains over 100 different substances called “phytocannabinoids”. Among these substances, we find Cannabidiol (CBD) but also Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and a hundred others.

In the “legal” CBD marketed in Switzerland, THC is present at less than 1%, making its consumption legal. Legal CBD, with a high CBD content, does not have the same psychotropic and hallucinogenic effects due to its low THC content, which is why it is commonly thought that it is not dangerous.

Is smoking CBD bad?

When you smoke it, it’s never good. CBD is just a new product from the tobacco industry and its marketing is unfortunate. As a reminder, smoking is a major risk factor for oncological, cardiovascular, respiratory diseases, etc.

Is the consumption of CBD compatible with driving?

In principle yes, if it is consumed in the form of oil. This should normally be the case when its consumption is justified, ie for the treatment of a disease. As for the “legal” joint, with a high CBD content, studies show that if you smoke 4 joints of CBD in less than an hour, you could be under the influence of THC (even at less than 1%) and you would not be able to drive legally. There is another element that CBD is anxiolytic, and is a bit calming. So it is wise to consume CBD for a certain number of hours before driving. For therapeutic use, it is ideal to consume CBD in the evening and especially to discuss it with your doctor.

Does CBD have any virtues?

This molecule certainly has a great potential which needs more investigation to specify its benefits.

Several studies seem to show that CBD could be used as a medicine and would have many virtues. The most explicit effect of CBD is a feeling of well-being and it has the following qualities:

  • Anxiolytic (calming during stress and anxiety)
  • Neuroleptic
  • Anti-epileptic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Relief of nausea
  • Soothing of migraines
  • Helps against insomnia

While these effects are positive, CBD should only be consumed in a medical capacity. It is important to note that the difference between a drug and medicine is the use one makes of it. If one is sick, one hangs a medicine to cure oneself. If we take medicine when we are not sick, we take a drug. CBD is therefore a medicine that should be used as such and not as a drug. It has its place in pharmacies.

What are its effects on health?

When we consume a chemical molecule that comes from a plant, it is interesting to know how it acts on the human body.

It has been discovered that there are cannabinoids in our bodies. This endocannabinoid system has various functions. It regulates among other things:

  • Memory
  • The construction of the brain during adolescence
  • The desire, the motivation
  • Appetite
  • Cardiac functions
  • Pain
  • The immune system
  • Fertilization etc.

This system is from UnderScoopFire is fundamental to life and smoking cannabinoids, CBD, or THC negatively affects our body by disrupting many systems. Smoking cannabinoids act as “noise” to our brain and make us deaf to ourselves.

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